Photo of Fuschlsee - preview for full 3D panorama
Photo of Fuschlsee
360 degree panorama

Title: Fuschlsee

Type: lake

Height: 663m

Country: Austria

State province: Salzburg

Belongs to: Salzkammergut-Seen, Salzkammergut

Bathing places: Stöllinger, Wesenauer, Fuschlseebad

Passenger transportations: Zillenschifffahrt am Fuschlsee

Tourist attractions: Ruine Wartenfels

Tourist infos: Gemeinde Hof, Fuschl am See, Fuschl am See, Gemeinde Thalgau, Thalgau

Spa: Schloss Fuschl

Position: Google maps.

More information: Fuschlsee

Season: autumn